英漢解釋 plan on是什麼意思? plan on意思是:打算;預測;安排;準備例句I plan on taking a vacation next month.我打算下個月休假.本頁標題: plan on是什麼意思? 翻譯, 中文, ... 02/24118Comments
英汉解释 plan on是什么意思? plan on意思是:打算;预测;安排;准备例句I plan on taking a vacation next month.我打算下个月休假.本页标题: plan on是什么意思? 翻译, 中文, ... 02/24169Comments
英漢解釋 look after是什麼意思? look after意思是:照顧;盯著;保重例句I have to leave town for a few days, can you look after my cat?我不得不外出幾天, 你能照... 02/24121Comments
英汉解释 look after是什么意思? look after意思是:照顾;盯着;保重例句I have to leave town for a few days, can you look after my cat?我不得不外出几天, 你能照... 02/2487Comments
英漢解釋 the middle of nowhere是什麼意思? the middle of nowhere意思是:偏僻的地方例句We got lost on the way to the campground and ended up in the middle ... 02/24101Comments
英汉解释 the middle of nowhere是什么意思? the middle of nowhere意思是:偏僻的地方例句We got lost on the way to the campground and ended up in the middle ... 02/24112Comments
英漢解釋 put in是什麼意思? put in意思是:插話;入港;指派;提出;提交;申請;投入;想像本頁標題: put in是什麼意思? 翻譯, 中文, 解釋, 意思, 例句... 02/2499Comments
英汉解释 put in是什么意思? put in意思是:插话;入港;指派;提出;提交;申请;投入;想象本页标题: put in是什么意思? 翻译, 中文, 解释, 意思, 例句... 02/24128Comments
英漢解釋 take place是什麼意思? take place意思是:發生;進行例句The annual company meeting will take place next week.年度公司會議下周將舉行.本頁標題: take pla... 02/2470Comments
英汉解释 take place是什么意思? take place意思是:发生;进行例句The annual company meeting will take place next week.年度公司会议下周将举行.本页标题: take pla... 02/2491Comments