play for keeps意思是:嚴肅認真,毫不留情地做某事;玩一場贏家獲得所有賭注的遊戲例句We're playing for keeps in this championship game, s...
general population是什麼意思?
general population意思是:廣大市民;監獄犯人主體(不包括被單獨監禁、保護性拘留、在醫護室或死囚牢房的犯人)例句The study found that the rates of ob...
hit the streets是什麼意思?
hit the streets意思是:外出尋找(某人或某物);開始在街上走;可在零售點購買例句"I'm going to hit the streets and see what this city ...
美劇《越獄》裡Vanilla Ice是什麼意思?
這是美國饒舌歌手Robert Matthew Van Winkle的外號, Tweener因為也唱饒舌歌, 所以被叫做 Kid例句Vanilla Ice was one of the most pop...
10-98意思是:警察代碼,表示"任務完成/越獄"例句The suspect has been apprehended, the scene is secure. Let's wrap it up a...
raise the alarm是什麼意思?
raise the alarm意思是:拉響警報例句When the child went missing, the parents raised the alarm and called the po...
sound the alarm是什麼意思?
sound the alarm意思是:拉響警報例句When the smoke detector went off, we sounded the alarm and evacuated the bu...
code three是什麼意思?
code three意思是:一種緊急響應例句We received a report of a potential gas leak. Dispatch has sent us a code thre...
punch in是什麼意思?
punch in意思是:(上班)打卡;通過按按鈕輸入信息例句I need to punch in before I start working.我需要先打卡再開始工作.I punched in my ...
walk by是什麼意思?
walk by意思是:經過例句She walked by the store window and noticed a new dress on display.她經過商店的櫥窗時發現了展示的新裙子....