eight ball意思是:8號球(撞球的其中一個球,顏色為黑色,必須先把其他七個球先擊落袋中,再擊落8號球);1/8 盎司重量的某種非法藥本頁標題: eight ball是什麼意思? 翻譯, 中文,...
eight ball是什么意思?
eight ball意思是:8号球(台球的其中一个球,颜色为黑色,必须先把其他七个球先击落袋中,再击落8号球);1/8 盎司重量的某种非法药本页标题: eight ball是什么意思? 翻译, 中文,...
drag out是什麼意思?
drag out意思是:拖延;套…的話例句We need to finish this project by the end of the week, but the boss is dragging...
drag out是什么意思?
drag out意思是:拖延;套…的话例句We need to finish this project by the end of the week, but the boss is dragging...
a big ask是什麼意思?
a big ask意思是:難以滿足的要求;例句Asking for a raise of 50% is a big ask, but I think I deserve it for my hard ...
a big ask是什么意思?
a big ask意思是:难以满足的要求;例句Asking for a raise of 50% is a big ask, but I think I deserve it for my hard ...
sitting duck是什麼意思?
sitting duck意思是:活靶子;易被擊中的目標例句The soldier was a sitting duck on the battlefield, with no cover to pro...
sitting duck是什么意思?
sitting duck意思是:活靶子;易被击中的目标例句The soldier was a sitting duck on the battlefield, with no cover to pro...
whack shack是什麼意思?
whack shack意思是:精神病院本頁標題: whack shack是什麼意思? 翻譯, 中文, 解釋, 意思, 例句...
whack shack是什么意思?
whack shack意思是:精神病院本页标题: whack shack是什么意思? 翻译, 中文, 解释, 意思, 例句...